It’s been nearly a year since I last posted. Ironically, it was a self-reflection post
about getting my ass in gear and rejuvenating my passion for the things I like
to do. Well… then the final semester of
an engineering degree took hold and doing things I like went out the window.
However I did play some games since last February and, much
to my own surprise, most were pretty good.
That said – Time for the Rapid Fire Bonus Round
Round 1: StarCraft 2
I finally caved and bought it, then proceeded to easily sink
about 200 hours into it. I’ve beaten the
campaign several times on the hardest setting and played on ladder for two or
three seasons (I’m a pretty poor player, in most respects – mid to high silver
at my best).
Needless to say, I love the game and still spend at least an
hour a day either watching pro level casts or playing.
Round 2: Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Kirby is a nice title for the Wii with a very unique and
original presentation. While playing
Epic Yarn, I was constantly marveling its creativity and outstanding level
design. At numerous points in the game I
commented, ‘This is how you make a 2-D side scroller!’ My only complaint was the absence of
challenge, as it is impossible to die and getting the various medals for each
level is pretty stinking easy.
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Not exactly what you see everyday |
Round 3: Donkey Kong Country Returns
I loved DKCR! Throughout the
entire game I was amazed at pretty much all of it. I constantly commented, ‘Screw Kirby, now
THIS is how you make a 2-D side scroller!’
The music, graphics, play control, challenge, everything was all top
notch. DKCR easily makes it high on my
best games of all-time list. Very
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So effen' sweet! |
Round 4: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
Okay. Let’s get this
straight. The Uncharted games are all
really good. They are fun, cinematic,
challenging, and have a truly adventurous feel to them. Uncharted 3 is no different. Each of the different environments is exquisitely
presented, vary dramatically from one another (and from previous games), and a
blast to play. However, I feel that the
story linking each of the different set pieces lacked a certain… umph, and
simply served to get us from one action scene to another. Plus, I was very disappointed in the
ending. Seriously, I feel like I shot a
rope and that was it – end of story. I
enjoyed playing Uncharted 3, but was left feeling a bit hungry.
Round 5: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
This is the fourth of the metroidvania-style games I’ve
played, and to be honest, is my least favorite.
It was fun and got me just as addicted as the others, but I didn’t quite
dig the art style or feel that the ‘castle’ map was very intriguing. I’d recommend it for fans of the series, but
not to new-comers (I’d have them play Symphony of the Night – so awesome!).
Round 6: Gaia Seed
Let me tell a bit of a story. I love 2-D shooters. It kills me that the genre is all but
dead. So, when I was reading Destructoid
a while back and saw a mini-review of an old PS1 era Japanese 2-D shooter, I
was intrigued. When the reviewer stated
that Gaia Seed, ‘was probably one of the best 2-D shooters ever..’ I was
obsessed. I hurried over to the
PlayStation Store and the description of the game confirmed that Gaia Seed, ‘…is
widely touted as one of the best side-scrolling shooters ever…’ Hurry up and take my money!
Then I played it. Uh,
what? Am I missing something? I beat the game on my second play-through,
beat it on one credit on my third, and got the ‘good’ ending on my fifth (It
took me to my fifth only because the game tricks you into getting the bad
ending). The graphics look like a late
generation SNES game, the music is unremarkable, the power-up system is weak,
and the levels lack challenge. Maybe I’m
missing something, but Gaia Seed is nowhere near the best shooter ever
made. This game, it kinda sucks.
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That's some serious epicness... for serious? |
State of the Steke:
See, I do play games every once in a while! Let’s take a look at the stats:
Games Owned: 329
Games Finished: 132
Percentage: 40.1%
Progress to Date:
Present, but not quite visible to the human eye
Good to see you haven't quite posting items. It has been a while since the last one and I wasn't sure they were going to continue. Thanks for the update.