Saturday, January 1, 2011


Wow, has it been a while.

Last time I posted was a long time ago, when I was mired in a tough, crap-I-took-too-many-credits semester of school. School has been out now for about a half a month and no longer is eating up tons of my time. So why haven’t I posted? I’ve been playing video games and it was glorious!

Well, I just beat Valkyria Chronicles (for the second time) and newsflash: it’s not pretty awesome; it’s freaking awesome.

I love this game. That’s pretty much all there is to it. I haven’t restarted a game immediately after beating it since… maybe R-Type Final? And before that it was Metroid Prime.

The point is, I usually have a hard time playing through a game again immediately after beating it because I get burned out. It took a lot of effort to get to the end and starting over usually seems a bit daunting.

But not with Valkyria Chronicles. I didn’t even wait until the next day. I beat it, watched the ending, saw that there was an option for a new game plus, and started playing immediately.

I’m not going to rave about why I love this game so much. Just know that Valkyria Chronicles jumped the charts directly into my top ten of all time and that’s some pretty tough competition.

I also recently joined the rest of the population of the Universe and bought a Wii. I’ve been collecting the few Wii games that look good over the past few years as they’ve come out and, with a temporary price cut on the Wii at Target, I decided it was time to finally get the hardware required to play those games.

So, I just beat Metroid: Other M. Given the almost universal negative reviews of Other M, I was set to get through the game hating it and surviving on stubbornness alone. Apparently, I got a different copy of Other M than the reviewers, because the game I played was pretty darn good.

Many of the reviews did, justifiably, comment on the jaw-dropping graphics, superb music, and (mostly) competent game control. All of this is very true and adds together to result in a very satisfying game-play experience.

The reviews had me prepared for prolific cut scenes and pervasive melodramatic narration throughout the game. I found the narration and cut scenes pretty benign, however. Yeah Samus does come off a bit more emotional than I would have expected, but for the most part, she was neither the ‘chatty Cathy’ that one reviewer called her, nor an emotional wreck constantly worried of what Adam would think. I honestly felt, and this isn’t a fan boy talking here, that Samus reacted to the situation pretty much how anyone would.

There is one exception, however, and this is the fan boy talking here. Samus froze when first confronting her longtime nemesis, Ridley. This was out of character. In the heat of battle, Samus doesn’t really strike me as someone who would be frozen with fear. Seriously, this is the same girl who has fought off the Mother Brain’s minions twice AND single-handedly infiltrated the Metroid homeworld and eradicated the entire species. She’s fought some pretty serious battles, seeing Ridley again (well for a third and not-the-last time) shouldn’t stop her in her tracks.

Despite this mis-characterization and the standard ‘made in Japan cheesy bizarreness’ Other M is solid. Does it top Super Metroid? Uh, no. But, it’s better than Prime 2, Fusion, and obviously way better than Hunters.

I likey.

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