Thursday, June 17, 2010

E3 Wrap-Up: Part 2


I really wanted to see Nintendo turn around from their miserable performances the past few years. Talk about Vitality Sensors, worthless peripherals, and casual games leading up to E3 had me worried that was what Nintendo and Front-Man-Reggie had in store for us. Instead, they chose to pull out the stops and blow me away.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Pre-E3 – Ambivalent
Post-E3 – Skeptical
- While the unveiling of a new Zelda is promising in its own right, the technical difficulties with the motion controller really worry me. However, after playing quality first party games from Nintendo for nearly a quarter of a century, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that it will work beautifully once released. Not owning a Wii, I can’t say for certain that I’ll play it, but it does increase my chance of adding the console to my collection.

Mario Sports Mix
Pre-E3 – Hadn’t heard of it
Post-E3 – My non-gamer friends would probably have a blast with this (and so would I, but I’d pretend to not like it)
- Part of me wanted to completely reject this as another crappy Mario/Party Sports Game, but then I saw it included dodge ball. Additionally, it looked like there was a bit of grabbing power-ups, ala Mario Kart. Oh, and if I didn’t see that right and there really weren’t power-ups, you can go ahead and take that idea for free, Nintendo. I’d love to play a Sports Party Game where I can use a turtle shell to attack the catcher while trying to steal home or get a mushroom that makes me huge and untouchable while running the ball in for a touchdown.

Wii Party
Pre-E3 – Hadn’t heard of it
Post-E3 – Don’t really care
- I almost feel that Reggie was kind of apologizing for Wii Party, calling it a ‘Bridge Game.’ As long as a company isn’t entirely focused on casual gaming, I’m okay that games like Wii Party exist. So, please Nintendo, give me something to offset this announcement. Something cool, like a new Metroid Trailer, or…

Just Dance 2
Pre-E3 – Hadn’t heard of it
Post-E3 – Don’t really care
- Ugh, not exactly what I had in mind, but I concede that this is likely a solid marketing decision. The first Just Dance sort of exploded without anyone really thinking it would be successful. I suppose it will sell bucket loads.

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Pre-E3 – I thought this franchise was dead
Post-E3 – Mildly interested
- Eh, I own the first two games, but have only really played through one of them. It was mildly fun, but didn’t really make a lasting impression on me. It’s unlikely that I will pick this one up, unless it gets stellar reviews.

Golden Eye
Pre-E3 – Believed this to be a rumor
Post-E3 – Hail to the king, baby
- I’m glad Nintendo did this, provided they don’t screw it all up. Golden Eye was where I learned that I sucked at FPSs. It is also where I learned what jackasses people can be when they get really good and have the maps memorized. This doesn't mean I don't want it though. Heck, add another point to the ‘Buy a Wii’ argument.

Epic Mickey
Pre-E3 – Excited
Post-E3 – Skeptical, but still positive
- The initial release images of Epic Mickey really excited me. At the time there were a bunch of steam-punkish designs of Goofy and other characters. Then there was a long silence with nothing, plus rumors of a needed graphical redesign. I almost thought Epic Mickey was destined to join the ranks of Duke Nukem Forever. The announcement at E3 showed the core game mechanic and a side scrolling level, but I’m somewhat skeptical. There really wasn’t anything on the story or any compelling gameplay shown to get me really excited. I need to see more.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Pre-E3 – No idea it existed
Post-E3 – Oddly positive
- Initially put off by the fact that Kirby isn’t eating anything, I find myself strangely drawn to the unusual style and creativity of Kirby’s Epic Yarn. I find it refreshing that they did go a whole new route with Kirby instead of sticking to the same formula. And, since it's a Wii title, add it to the growing and increasingly persuasive 'Need to buy a Wii' pile.

Dragon Quest
Pre-E3 – Not really interested
Post-E3 – Still not that interested, but may give it a try
- I have never really gotten into the Dragon Quest and don’t see a change in the future. I was impressed by the online support Nintendo has developed for the game, however.

Metroid Other M
Pre-E3 – I think I need to change my shorts
Post-E3 – Still need to change my shorts
- My favorite franchise of all time is Metroid. While this trailer left me disappointed that it didn’t show more, I’m no less excited than I was before. This is the first game I have pre-ordered since Final Fantasy IX, and I don’t even own a Wii. That’s how excited I am for this game.

Donkey Kong Returns

Pre-E3 – Thought the franchise was long gone
Post-E3 – Freaking awesome
- Greatest lead-in ever for this game; starting with the music while Reggie was still talking, then saying, ‘I think you hear it coming.’ Pure. Awesome. It looks beautiful, doesn’t try any new fangled control scheme or style. I got goose-bumps seeing it. I want it. Add this it to the ‘Go Get a Wii Now’ pile.

Pre-E3 – I knew it was something, but was skeptical
Post-E3 – Jaw-dropping
- I was convinced that the 3DS would either utterly bomb or be outrageously successful. After seeing the several-hour-long line to play the demo at the Nintendo booth, I am convinced it will ultimately beat out the DS as the most successful gaming system ever released. Skipping ahead a bit to the DS commercial, Nintendo implied that an absolute boatload of games were in development for the 3DS release, to include: Star Fox (sweet!), Mario Kart, another Mario title or two, Zelda (Ocarina of Time confirmed), games by Atlus, Konami, THQ, and whole bunch of others. Add to this the ability to watch 3D movies and take 3D pictures, and I'm convinced that Nintendo has hit this one out of the park. I’m glad I held off getting one of the newer DS systems, because I will definitely be buying one of these.

Kid Icarus: Uprising
Pre-E3 – Had long since lost hope of a new Icarus game
Post-E3 – I got choked up seeing the trailer
- Seriously, this was a brilliant move by Nintendo. Bringing Kid Icarus back, the first title of the franchise in nearly 20 years, as the launch title for their new 3D system is absolutely genius. Plus it looks amazing. Graphically, it compares to a decent Wii game. Naturally, my cynical nature takes me back to Metroid Prime Hunters, as that was a launch title for the DS and could be considered inherently flawed. However, the one-two punch of the 3DS announcement and then Kid Icarus has totally destroyed all doubt and I find myself completely optimistic and excited and enthusiastic and giddy and a bunch of other cool adjectives.

Overall Nintendo totally obliterated my expectations. There was a bit of down time during the conference to discuss Mario Sports Mix, Wii Party, and Just Dance 2. But, then it was one title after another of games that I genuinely want to play and buy. This press conference made me want to buy a bunch of Nintendo products; consoles, games, you name it.

I find it interesting that this is the year Microsoft and Sony are releasing their motion control systems. At the same time, Nintendo is almost downplaying their motion control and announcing the first true 3D system. Say what you want about Nintendo, but it definitely looks like they know what they are doing.

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